Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae Sed dictum dui tellus, tempor suscipit tortor egestas in. Praesent eget pharetra dolor. Phasellus urna turpis, viverra vitae convallis id, posuere vel elit.

Helping your company in dealing with tax administration to effectively and efficiently. These services include, among other things, registration and revocation of Tax Payer Identification Number, request for confirmation and registration number of the Taxable, request to carry out their accounts in foreign languages and foreign currency, the application of VAT centralized administration, application tax clearance, the petition inaugural Non Effective Tax Payer, and others.

This service aims to assess your company’s tax compliance and calculate the potential taxation of all corporate activities. Compliance review is usually required in the event that the company intends to sell its shares in the stock exchange, merged with another company, the dissolution and other purposes.

To minimize the tax burden, we assist you in planning to increase tax efficiency. Here we find the best alternative form of tax savings. The policies and alternative selection decision of course should be in line with your business plan.

Annual tax returns submitted over payment absolute examined by tax authorities, and tax returns that claimed loss no more pay came in a routine audit criteria. Besides these two things, many things have the potential to do inspection of tax. If the company or even you as an Individual Tax Payer because of certain reasons checked by tax authorities, we provide assistance in the form of mentoring or represent you or your company during the review process takes place. This is to prevent the issuance of tax assessment letter larger than necessary because of failure to show proper accounting process and supporting documents completed.

You may appeal the tax assessment letter, and pleased for reduction of administrative penalty tax collection letter. You also can file an appeal or a claim to the Tax Court and / or the Supreme Court if your objection or request was not granted at the Regional Office. We are here to assist you in resolving this dispute. We act as a companion or your representative. The purpose of this ministry to ensure a strong enough tax disputes to be resolved.

To improve staff knowledge of taxation for your company, we provide tax training with topics tailored to fit the needs of achieving the expected objectives.

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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae Sed dictum dui tellus, tempor suscipit tortor egestas in. Praesent eget pharetra dolor. Phasellus urna turpis, viverra vitae convallis id, posuere vel elit.

YEAR 2008-2009

Curabitur ut lacus nec dui ornare sceque Sitamet nisl. Nunc nisi…

YEAR 2010-2011

Curabitur ut lacus nec dui ornare sceque Sitamet nisl. Nunc nisi…

YEAR 2012-2013

Curabitur ut lacus nec dui ornare sceque Sitamet nisl. Nunc nisi…


Praesent condimentum egestas sagittis. Integer egestas metus a risus feugiat, feugiat pretium sem vulputate. Mauris eget lacinia leo, eget laoreet augue. Vivamus elementum eget ipsum eu fermentum. Nam eget velit ante. Aenean dignissim mollis suscipit.

Nulla eros augue, faucibus sed turpis id, auctor convallis odio. Phasellus tempus massa tortor, id lobortis justo sodales vel. Vivamus ornare scelerisque dui, scelerisque vulputate ex luctus vel. Morbi tempor lacinia posuere. Fusce non risus sem.

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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae Sed dictum dui tellus, tempor suscipit tortor egestas in. Praesent eget pharetra dolor. Phasellus urna turpis, viverra vitae convallis id, posuere vel elit.


Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae Sed dictum dui tellus in.


Lies Tania Tantri is Managing Partner of Lies Tania Tantri & Associates. She graduated from Indonesian State College of Accountancy in 1996, and continued to Faculty of Ekonomics University of Indonesia. She started her career as an employee of Directorate General of Tax (DGT), experienced as tax investigator and dispute reviewer. She had place among others at some tax offices at West Jakarta regional area, and ended in Large Taxpayer Regional Office (LTRO).

In January 2011, she joined with Akhyadi Wadisono Registered Public Accountant Firm as a tax manager, then she established Visitama Consulting. Besides having a license as a tax consultant, she also has a license attorney in tax court. In the fields of accounting, she has state-financial auditor certification from The Audit Board of The Republic of Indonesia (BPK-RI).

Lies is a member of IKPI (Indonesian Tax Consultants Association) and IAI (Indonesia Institute of Accountants). The consultant certification that has been achieved is C Certifications with the license number is KEP-77/IP.C/PJ/2015.


Aidil Oscar Fitrananta, SE, Ak, CA, CPA, CPMA, CPI, ACPA, BKP
Oscar was graduated his Bachelor Degree from University of Indonesia. He holds the Chartered Accountant (CA) from Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants, Certified Public Accountant (CPA) from Indonesian Institute of Public Accountant (IAPI), Certified Professional Management Accountant (CPMA) from Indonesian Institute of Management Accountants (IAMI), Certified Public Investigation (CPI ) from Indonesian Institute of Public Accountant (IAPI) and also a State Registered Accountant. He became public accountant since the late 2011. In 2021 he obtained a tax consultant practice license level A.

Have experienced more than 20 years of in auditing, accounting and advisory services. He has led and implemented all types of the audit services (financial audit, operational audit, compliance audit, fraud analysis and investigation) and the attestation services (performance review, implementation of good governance, strategic management). These was applied on various kinds of private companies such as trading, manufacturing, mining service, construction service, and others.


Hendra Damanik, is Senior Partner of Lies Tania Tantri & Associates. He graduated from University of North Sumatera and continued to Faculty of Social and Politics University of Indonesia majoring in Fiscal Administration. He has work experience in Asril Djohan Registered Tax Consultant and also in KPP Medan Kota as apprentices. He joined in Akhyadi Wadisono Registered Public Accountant Firm as a senior tax consultant, then he join in Visitama Consulting as director. Besides having a license as a tax consultant, he also has a license attorney in tax court.


Suharyo, is a manager of Lies Tania Tantri & Associates, graduated from Diploma III of Taxation, Ministry of Finance. He continued to Faculty of Social and Politics University of Indonesia majoring in Fiscal Administration. He was an employee of Directorate General of Tax (DGT) placed on the Tax Court, and also experienced as tax inspectors and investigator on some tax office in Jakarta area and Tanjungpinang, Kepri.

In March 2014, he joined with Lies Tania Tantri & Associates as Banch Manager in Tanjungpinang.


Danu Nugroho graduated from the State College of Accountancy in 2008. He was a government employee in the Ministry of Finance from 2008 to 2010. His love for the world of taxation in Indonesia made him join as Tax Advisor at the Tax Consulting Office of Provis Tax Consulting and Taxnesia for a period of 2016 to 2018. He joined and became Branch Manager at the Lies Tania Tantri Tax Consultant & Associates Pemalang Branch since 2019 until now.


Iwan Hendarwan, SE, graduated 1997 from Diploma III of Taxation, The Stage Collage of Accountancy, then continued to major in accounting at STIE Cirebon. He worked at Directorate General of Tax (DGT) for 14 years, from Account Representative position to tax auditor. Resigning from government employee, he once took part in drafting regional regulations in one of the city in West Java regarding regional revenues. His experience and expertise in accounting also led him to a career as financial manager of PT Pitoe Sarana Informatika, and co-founder of PT Teracode Teknologi Optima. Before joining LTTA, Iwan was a partner at Provis Consulting.

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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae Sed dictum dui tellus, tempor suscipit tortor egestas in. Praesent eget pharetra dolor. Phasellus urna turpis, viverra vitae convallis id, posuere vel elit.


Sed facilisis dictum blandit. Vivamus eget mauris id quam condimentum hendrerit. Praesent malesuada eleifend tincidunt. Donec dignise at ligula pretium mattis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In molestie accumsan neque

tristique dignissim odio accumsan vehicula. Proin pellentesque laore magna non finibus. Nulla in metus sagittis, venenatis ex id, sodales diam. Nam quis mollis quam. Nam vel tincidunt enim.


Curabitur ut lacus nec dui ornare sceque Sitamet nisl. Nunc nisi neque.

  • A fresh and proactive approach to their accounts and tax planning
  • In urna urna, mollis non varius volutpat, imperdiet mollis arcu
  • Sed facilisis dictum blandit. Vivamus eget mauris
  • Vestibulum ac odio tristique, commodo lectus at, porttitor ligula


Sed facilisis dictum blandit. Vivamus eget mauris id quam condimentum hendrerit. Praesent malesuada eleifend tincidunt. Donec dignise at ligula pretium mattis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In molestie accumsan neque

tristique dignissim odio accumsan vehicula. Proin pellentesque laore magna non finibus. Nulla in metus sagittis, venenatis ex id, sodales diam. Nam quis mollis quam. Nam vel tincidunt enim.


Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae Sed dictum dui tellus, tempor suscipit tortor egestas in. Praesent eget pharetra dolor. Phasellus urna turpis, viverra vitae convallis id, posuere vel elit.